About Us

Injury assessment/diagnosis and appropriate management is our initial priority. Whether it be back or neck pain, sports related injuries, headaches, or restriction of movement from joint pain. Often we can see you on the day you call us, or the following day. You can either self refer to Avondale Family Physiotherapy or be referred by your doctor.

Our team of highly trained professionals uses the latest healing technologies to restore you to pain-free health, quickly and easily. We thoroughly evaluate & treat all of the contributing root factors related to your issue. This includes, but is not limited to, your work and home stressors, overall body condition, nutrition, genetic & postural habits, emotional connections and patterns that are held in your muscles

Our Vision

In 1984 the Physical Therapy Clinic at the University of Delaware was opened to provide out-patient physical therapy services to University faculty, staff and students. The clinic evolved into a full-service professional operation in 1994 to provide educational and research experiences for physical therapy faculty and students.

Our Mision

Provide service to patients from the University community and community at large by experienced, highly competent practitioners. Provide clinical education experiences for University of Delaware physical therapy students, including opportunities for clinical practice, clinical research, and specialized practical experiences. Promote and expand clinical research opportunities for faculty and students.

Mengapa Anda harus memilih Moira Clinic?


Moira Clinic memiliki dokter dan para tenaga ahli yang berkompetensi dan berpengalaman di bidangnya, sehingga kenyamanan dalam penggunaan produk sudah terjamin.

Peralatan Modern

Misi kami adalah memberikan standar tertinggi perawatan pasien sambil menggabungkan pendekatan holistik terhadap diagnosis dan manajemen penyakit dan cedera.

Harga Terjangkau

Moira Clinic memberikan pelayanan dengan sepenuh hati dari dokter & seluruh karyawan dengan harga yang murah dan terjangkau bagi seluruh kalangan masyarakat